Indisches Traditionelles Yoga

In this course, Indian traditional yoga will be taught. In which asanas and pranayama (Breathind exercise) will be taught, along with 5 to 10 minutes of meditation will also be included . The course is open for everyone.

Like a computer consists of software and hardware and both are necessary to run properly. Similarly in our body the outer part is hardware, and through the Asanas (physical exercise) we can make stronger our hardware and the inner part is software, for inner body or making our software strong and stable the Pranayam (Breathind exercise) and meditation are very helpful and through this complete Practice we can connect to the soul which is our real form.

Der Kurs beginnt erst ab der zweiten Semesterwoche - ab dem 26.04.2024

Am Freitag, den 10. Mai und 31. Mai 2024 findet der Kurs nicht statt!

Entgelte: Studierende / Bedienstete


1079Fr19:30-21:00GSB26.04.-19.07.Vandana Arya
35/ 50 €
35 EUR
für Studierende

50 EUR
für Beschäftigte